Friday, January 09, 2009

You and your core desires

I hope 2009 has started bright and promising for you.

In the clutter of New Year email wishes, I received a couple
of items that stood out. I’d like to share one of them with
you now.

Jack Zufelt and his DNA of Success program is one of the
most well-known and widely quoted Law of Attraction sources
I’ve found. He wrote a wonderful article about obtaining
what you truly desire in 2009, and I’m happy to be able to
share that with you. (Why don’t affirmations work? He’ll
tell you.) It’s six pages long, which is a bit lengthy to
read in a blog entry, so I’ve posted it online.

When you get to the end of the article you’ll see Jack has
included an extremely valuable reward for getting that far!

One of the original thinkers on the subject. Read the book
titled simply “Prosperity”. If you don’t have your copy
yet, see how you can download your Prosperity book package right now, day or
night. Try it risk-free!

For an ever-growing list of Web sites, newsletters, books,
and more, visit our Resources page.

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